Stormee is known for his role as Wasape in the Sci-Fi Action Thriller film PREY (2022) directed by the uber talented Dan Trachtenberg. This smash hit premiered as the No. 1 title to debut on HULU and is set as the prequel to the other four installments in the PREDATOR franchise. Stormee is a Shoshone-Bannock tribal member and a natural born athlete. By the age of 21, he became the Montana State Champion in JIU JITSU and he competed as a D1 track & field and cross country runner in his final year of university. He is also a prolific competitive horseback rider! Kipp was awarded Best Actor at the American Indian Film Festival for his role in the film Sooyii (2021), where he stars as the lone survivor of a village that was decimated by an outbreak of smallpox set in the 18th century. The film was shot on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, with a wide range of fellow native actors and crew.
Stormee is known for his role as Wasape in the Sci-Fi Action Thriller film PREY (2022) directed by the uber talented Dan Trachtenberg. This smash hit premiered as the No. 1 title to debut on HULU and is set as the prequel to the other four installments in the PREDATOR franchise. Stormee is a Shoshone-Bannock tribal member and a natural born athlete. By the age of 21, he became the Montana State Champion in JIU JITSU and he competed as a D1 track & field and cross country runner in his final year of university. He is also a prolific competitive horseback rider! Kipp was awarded Best Actor at the American Indian Film Festival for his role in the film Sooyii (2021), where he stars as the lone survivor of a village that was decimated by an outbreak of smallpox set in the 18th century. The film was shot on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, with a wide range of fellow native actors and crew.
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