Jeff Leatham is the artistic director of the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris and has sparked a sensation with his floral designs and installations since he first began working with flowers at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills in 1994. He now has design studios in both the FS Beverly Hills and the FS Philadelphia as well as continuing to mesmerize guests with his lobby installations. Celebrity clients include Kim Kardashian, Oprah, Beyonce, Cher, Eva Longoria, Chelsea Clinton and Sofia Vergara to name a few. His new book ‘The Art of the Flower’ was released in 2023 to critical acclaim.

Jeff Leatham is the artistic director of the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris and has sparked a sensation with his floral designs and installations since he first began working with flowers at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills in 1994. He now has design studios in both the FS Beverly Hills and the FS Philadelphia as well as continuing to mesmerize guests with his lobby installations. Celebrity clients include Kim Kardashian, Oprah, Beyonce, Cher, Eva Longoria, Chelsea Clinton and Sofia Vergara to name a few. His new book ‘The Art of the Flower’ was released in 2023 to critical acclaim.
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